
Interview with President Ilchi Lee

Date : 2022-04-25

President Ilchi Lee


Q. This year, Global Cyber University pointed to a new direction for the "Human Technology Leading University" that awakens natural intelligence in the era of artificial intelligence; can we say that’s going to be the direction for Brain Education?

A. "With the emergence of artificial intelligence AlphaGo in 2014, the spread of the artificial intelligence era is accelerating. In terms of knowledge, calculation, and convenience, etc., you can't compete with AI, and many jobs will become obsolete. Ultimately, we’ll have to quickly discover human values, things that artificial intelligence is incapable of. I think artificial intelligence is asking us questions about 'what is natural intelligence?' All animals have brains, but humans are the only ones who can ask the question, ‘Who am I?’ It’s only people that can think about how to operate their brains. Brain utilization is the key. Brain Education makes you aware of your current state of consciousness and move forward to a higher state of consciousness. That’s why there are many cases where not only physical and emotional changes come through Brain Education, but even fundamental views of life and value systems change with a lifestyle transformation. This is why Brain Education is called ‘Human Technology,’ an academic discipline of brain fusion that elevates the quality of life based on peace philosophy, brain development principles, and experiential educational methodology."



Q. BTS, Brain Education, Earth Management. These are the terms that come to mind in this interview with the president of the Global Cyber University. Not long ago, it was spotlighted as the "most creative and innovative university in Korea" by British educational media. For my last question to you, since you are also the founder of the university, I would like to ask what you think about its role. 

A. "When the university was established, I chose the vision that it would not be just one university in Korea, but a truly global university that contributes to the earth and human society. I wanted to show what kind of values our Hongik spirit spreads through culture and what changes it makes through the brain. As the BBC said, Korea, which achieved miraculous growth from the ruins of war in just half a century, has emerged as the only new cultural power in the 21st century, and is now a country that has captivated the world’s attention. We must especially not forget that the growth of today’s Republic of Korea was supported by many countries, including those in the United Nations. The coronavirus crisis in the global village made humanity come to many realizations. Didn't everyone realize that all lies, desires, and materiality were ‘knocked down’ in front of COVID-19, and that the existing national systems and religion have limitations in solving the problems of the earth? 

We know that the actual nature of the global crisis brought about by COVID-19 was fundamentally caused by the spread of material civilization of humankind and conflict with the global ecosystem. What role should universities play in the face of such a crisis of the times? What is the path that Korea should take? Now, the role of universities must change anew. There is no future if we remain in the pursuit of knowledge that ignores the problems faced by human society. Ultimately, the answers are found in humans, and the key is to recover character. An academic discipline that’s not an academic discipline, that can discover human value and develop it. Rather than a brain that chases after wealth, success, and fame attained through unlimited competition, it’s Human Technology, which goes beyond these things to increase human capacities. 

Just as BTS fosters value intrinsic to humans and provides an emotional impact to the global community through benevolent influence, presenting new values to humankind, and doing the work of researching and teaching them—that’s what Brain Education is about, and it’s the reason why I made Brain Education a field of study. Thinking deeply about how to use our brains as Earth Citizens who think of the future of the earth, rather than staying at the level of a single individual or country, is what Earth Management is about. That’s why every student admitted to the Global Cyber University must take the ‘Earth Management’ course and why, for the first time in the world, I developed an Earth Management major and a Department of Earth Management. If universities that cultivate the talent of the future dwell only in the studies that already exist, the earth will eventually have no way to go but the path of collective destruction. Faced with these changing times, universities around the world must open their eyes. Universities need to awaken, and many universities call on us to work together to solve the problems of human society. Our university will lead the way."


UNN.png    [University News Network Reporter, Hwang, Jeong-il


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